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Treatment for fractures, ankle sprains, foot pain and tendonitis



Ankle sprains are one of the most common lower extremity injuries and occur in all ages. They occur when the strong ligaments that support the ankle get stretch beyond their limits and tear.  They range from mild to severe depending upon how much damage there is to the ligaments. If your ankle is very swollen and painful to walk on or you can't put weight on it, make sure to get it checked out by a professional.  If left without appropriate treatment and rehabilitation, you may be vulnerable to repeat sprains which may lead to long term problems including chronic ankle pain, arthritis, and ongoing instability.


Achilles tendinitis, or an inflammation of the Achilles tendon. It is one of the most common causes of foot or ankle pain. It can result from an injury or over-use.  Pain and swelling are the most prominent symptom of tendinitis. The pain will be most noticeable when you try to move that part of your body and can be particularly worse when you first start to move the affected body part.


Shin splints refers to a painful condition that develops along the inside of the shin. The usual location of shin pain is along the lower half of the shin, anywhere from a few inches above the ankle to about halfway up the shin. Shin splints can however, effect just about any part of the lower leg. Shin splints generally come about due to increased physical activity or a change in activity such as increasing the distance of a daily run/walk. Running on hard surfaces with inappropriate footwear can also cause this condition. The main reason why shin splints occurs is due to poor mechanics of the foot. This can result from muscles that originate in the leg being overworked and fatigued during activities. Pains in the shin can also be due to bony changes which result from poor shock absorption during activities.


Posterior tibial tendonitis occurs when one of the tendons on the inner side of the ankle becomes damaged. It can be associated with an unsteady gait, or trouble maintaining stability while walking.  If the condition worsens or isn't treated effectively, the tendon could become weakened.  In severe cases, the arch will start to collapse.


While athletes often experience peroneal tendonitis, it’s can also affect women who wear high heels, anyone who stands a lot, or those who work on uneven surfaces.  It is caused by excessive stress on the peroneal tendon in the foot.  There are two peroneal tendons that stabilize your foot and protect it from sprains. They stretch side-by-side from the fibula (outer ankle) down into the foot behind the ankle bone. One connects to the outside of the foot while the other runs under the foot and connects near the inner side of the arch. When one or both of them become inflamed, that’s called peroneal tendonitis.


A broken bone is never a pleasant experience. But while any potential foot or toe fractures should be brought to the attention of our team as soon as you can, these injuries do vary quite a bit in terms of where and how they are broken, and how severely. Foot fractures are usually (although not always, especially in the case of stress fractures) the result of a sudden severe trauma, such as twisting, falling, or a direct impact (such as an auto accident, falling off a ladder, dropping a heavy object, etc.). Pain tends to be swift and severe, and may be accompanied by bruising, swelling, and even dislocation or deformity in the shape of the foot if the fracture is unstable.

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